Sunday, April 3, 2011


We met in the shadow of everyone's hero
But his beauty came from the light we shone
So we faced each other and found
That we were in shadow no more,
But basked in the light of common affection,
And as life went on, we basked in the light
Of Truth and Faithfulness and Grace,
Leaving all Shadow behind.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Cold Front

It roars and rumbles
And bullies its way
Through the neighborhood,
Tearing at shingles and branches,
yanking at flags and skirts,
Stripping the trees of their last lonely leaves,
And whipping up angry hairdos.

It's a blustery gremlin,
Stealing kids' homework,
Snatching grocery receipts,
Setting the traffic lights swinging and swaying.

Suddenly, sleet taps at my window,
Like skittering paws of mice.